Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Food For Thought

An anonymous commenter had this to say:

"I think you should really watch your language and not swear. Remember you have sponsors of SpeedFix checking in on you along with parents and children following your track racing."

You make a valid point. I used to be able to say basically whatever I wanted, because no one used to read this blog except people who knew me. That's not the case anymore.

I generally don't mind offending people...I've been doing it all my life. However, I do want kids, especially those who are interested in cycling, to be able to come to this blog and hopefully be inspired (or at least entertained).

I won't censor my thoughts or feelings, but I will work on toning down the language. Deal?

Who says I can't take criticism?


Ben said...

Shit, there goes another good fucking blog.
I am not sponsored.

and go figure the commentor was "anonymous"!

Tenacious T said...

Honestly, it's not the sponsors I'm worried about.

I just don't want some 12-year-old kid to be banned from reading this site because I can't be funny without swearing.

Franz said...

What 12 year old kid would be caught dead reading an old persons blog? I bet Brian is your youngest reader. On second thought, Taylor you better not be responsible for corupting NSC's golden boy with your vulgarity. Bob will kick your ass.

Tenacious T said...

I'm not old, I'm mature. Obviously.

Brian is Colorado's problem now...

Super Rookie said...

yeah. a real fucking 12 year old is going to read this piece of shit. if the person really cared they would be anonymous. my guess is that someone is pulling your fucking leg, or wants you to respect your contract.

please stop swearing. my unborn fetus is getting negative vibes.

Anonymous said...

anonymous commenters can suck my saggy nut bag
