Wednesday, September 22, 2010

MTB Categorization

I've got a question for all you mountain bikers out there. Franz is trying to convince me to do the Single Track Escape mountain bike race on Saturday, but I'm not sure which category is appropriate.

Franz has registered for the sandbagger Citizen class, and I'm imagining a field full of women and children. I know traditionally, beginner mountain bike categories are not the same as Cat 4/5 races on the road.

The next level up, Sport, is 14 miles, and I'm not entirely convinced I can even ride that far without falling over dead.

Please advise.


the schad family said...

remember your riding for fun now. That said, you or Franz will probably win the citizen class which means you get to climb on the podium and accept your citizen award. (which i would enjoy) Or suck it up and realize you can totally ride 14 miles,

Jeffro said...

Do the Citizen race but show up in cutoffs, tennis shoes and a hockey helmet!

Anonymous said...

Citizen can be fairly competitive. I would do that considering it's going to be a mudfest on Saturday.

Little D

tman said...

there's always the kids race