I really enjoy mountain biking, even though I kind of suck at it. In fact, that's how I got my introduction to cycling. I've even done a few races. My first-ever race was the Boo Blast in Monticello. I raced with the Beginners, since I figured that's what I was. I won that race by over 5 minutes and got berated by the promoter for sandbagging. I was certain I was the second coming of Ned Overend.
So, in my next race I entered the Sport category and got my ass absolutely handed to me. I decided to try to go with the leaders on the first lap (because I was an amazing cyclist!) and completely blew to shit. I ended up finishing behind an overweight woman on a Huffy. I also crashed and cracked my helmet. Preeeeeetty sure I got a concussion there.
I've been on two separate trips to Colorado and Utah, which were amazing. I'd love to go again, but that drive is a major deterrent.
Since I'm selling much of my track racing equipment, I've had visions of upgrading my mountain bike with some of the money. I wouldn't mind having a suspension fork, maybe some hydraulic disc brakes ( it has mechanical discs now), tubeless wheels/tires, and and upgraded light setup.
But then I think about how much I enjoy the simplicity of my current set-up. Maybe, for once in my life, I should just fuckin' ride?
Though, if I'm going to do these night rides, it would sure be nice to be able to see better. Maybe a helmet-mounted light is in order. I bought my current lights from Jim Bell for (I'm guessing) more than what he paid for them, and they kind of suck.
Fuck it, now I'm just rambling. See y'all tonight. I'll be the guy telling you to slow down.
Also, I still have a ton of shit for sale. I'd much rather sell it locally than deal with e-bay 'tards.
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