Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I'm not sure how I should handle this situation. There is some little shithead who keeps attacking my son at preschool, unprovoked. In the past two weeks, this kid has punched, choked, pushed, and flung Max to the ground. According to the teachers, the kid is new and is "having some trouble adjusting." No shit! So, here are my options...waddaya think?

a. Teach Max to fight so he can beat the kid's ass
b. Let the teachers deal with it and consider it a life lesson: people are assholes
c. Pull Max out of school until the situation is resolved
d. Other

1 comment:

Skibby said...

I had similar problems with my son, he was small and sensitive. I taught him how to fight...so...

One day in the lunchroom some kid picked on him and when the teacher came over, Lukas had him in the head and arm and was punching him, yelling "I'm defending myself, I'm defending myself"! He got in trouble, but I was proud of him.