Bandit and I took the day off on Friday to go pheasant hunting with
Pete and Jersey. Even though neither of us could shoot straight, we still came up only one bird short of our limit. The dogs did well....Bandit picked up where he left off last year, and Jersey finally figured out the reason for her existence.

Yes, I hunt pheasants with a Jack Russell Terrier. He's really got the "Killer Instinct" on cripples, and he's got more heart than any other dog I've hunted with. Plus, he has fun, so why not, right?
Talk about exhausted I think Bandit might actually be sleeping sitting up in this pictures. That was a blast birds were falling everywhere and the dogs are well on their way to a good season.
I thoght the limit was 3 each. That would mean that your were 4 birds short.
Sorry, no. This is MN, not South Dakota. The limit is 2. Check your facts. And your spelling. Plus, those are only the birds I chose to photograph, not all of them.
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