Friday was a "working from home" day. I was dead-ass tired and spent most of the day on the couch.

Sunday I was equally worthless, and was crabby as hell to boot. We went to the tree farm to get a Christmas tree (more on that in another post). There was a petting zoo and hay rides. It probably would have been fun if I hadn't been such a little bitch about it.
I spent the rest of the night watching the Vikings suck it up. What the fuck were they doing out there? I know I shouldn't be panicking after one loss, but we got absolutely demolished! We got outplayed in every single way that a team can get outplayed. Worse than anything, we got out-coached. I've been saying for years that Childress is worthless and we've been winning in spite of him, not because of him. I can't foresee this team making it very deep into the playoffs. Not the way we played on Sunday night, and not with Brad Childress at the helm. Though, I hope they prove me wrong. Next week doesn't look any easier.
The last two days have been crazy busy at work. I did 3 product demos yesterday, with plenty more to come. It's been a fun ride so far, gotta keep it going.
I made pheasant poppyseed casserole on Monday night and have been eating the leftovers for every mean since. Hot damn, that's nummy!
In other news, I still don't have socks that fit me. Kristin bought me some fucking knee-highs. I can't deal with that shit. I may have to - GASP - do my own shopping!
I've also been lifting consistently for 5 weeks now and I'm starting to see some good results. However, now that my shoulders are bigger, all my shirts are too short. Stupid long torso...
I'm going to have to start watching what I eat. The offseason has not been good to me.
My max power on the ergo is still pretty good, so hopefully that's a sign of things to come next season. I don't want to get too eager, train my ass off all winter and burn out by June, but I'm starting to get excited to ride.
I'm also going to switch to skiing this winter instead of snowboarding. I've been snowboarding for like 10 years and I'm still not very good at it, so it's time to go back to skis. I'll rock the terrain park on my twin tips. Or I'll crash and everyone will laugh at me. Either way, someone will be entertained.
man you are a boring kunt
You spelled "cunt" wrong, retard.
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