Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm tired.

Maybe Franz gave me his mono. Though, I didn't kiss him, so that seems unlikely. Oh, did I mention? Franz has mono. He's combating "the kissing disease" by sleeping lots and working out twice a day. Pretty sure he's going to die.

I fell asleep at 8:30 on Wednesday night, and I felt awesome yesterday. Then I went to bed at 1:30 AM last night and I'm draggin' ass today. I'm in the middle of a 4-hour demo of the new testing capabilities of Visual Studio 2010. The first two hours were good, but it's Friday. My brain is shut down.

Since my employer has "use-it-or-lose-it" vacation, pretty much all my coworkers are out of the office for the rest of the year. Oh well, no one to bug me. I better be productive!

I hope the tone of this blog post properly conveyed exactly how frumpy I feel right now.

1 comment:

Franz said...

I actually have not trained that hard since last Thursday when I had lifetime max wattage personal records. This mono crap has set me back. As soon as I feel better, I really need to pick up the pace an add 3rd session to my daily training regime.