I snuck out of work at lunch today, picked up Bandit, and headed to Plum Creek to get a few laps in. I've been off the bike for so long that my sit-bones were sore from last night's ride! Weak.
I wore my incognito kit...ya know, in case I need to should obscenities at people or flip someone off.

I rode two full laps before discovering that my headset was loose. Or so I thought. After walking my bike out to the main road and back to the car I found that, in fact, my quick-release had come loose. That could have been bad.
Bandit loooooooves biking with me. See, he's smiling!
Once, when my wife was rollerblading with him, some bitch commented that it was cruel to make a dog run like that. Instead of calling her a stupid-ass cuntwhorebitch like I would have, Kristin simply said, "Well I guess you've never owned a terrier before, so maybe you should mind your own business." How diplomatic!
I get annoyed by those people who always seems to know what everyone else should do. Especially when it comes to kids and pets. Hell, people know eeeeeeverything about child-rearing until they have kids of their own (I know I sure did!), at which point they find out that all their well-thought-out theories go straight to shit. So, unless you know exactly what someone else is dealing with, shut the fuck up. That goes for me, too.
Wow, that escalated quickly.
Anyway, back home, it's nap-time for man and beast.

Go single speed (32x20 or 18), get a carbon front fork and you'll be good to go.
Glad you're riding!
Little D
I always wear my Revolution Cycle and Ski stuff when I'm spewing obscenities at slapdicks when I'm riding.
I can't beleive you make your dog bike with you, that's cruel...to make him go so slow. :)
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