However, it has made me notice a few things about Bandit that I now appreciate more. Having a dog around who doesn't know you really highlights the rapport that dogs build with their owners.
For example, when I say "Let's go potty", Bandit runs to the door. Bella ran to her kennel to retrieve her chew toy. Then there was some doggy jealousy over said chew toy, but I digress.
Bandit can usually sense when I'm busy and leaves me alone. Today, Bella watched me shit. Twice.
Bandit is emotionally well-adjusted. Bella emptied her bladder on the floor when I bent down to give her a treat and startled her.
She's currently staring at me and whining. I have no clue what she wants.
Bandit retrieves things for me:
Bandit stays around when we let him outside, and Bella needs to be tied up.
Bandit can free-feed. Bella needs to be fed diet food twice daily, because she's too chubby.
Bandit barks when a stranger comes to our house. Bella barks at me when I get home from work.
Bandit sleeps under the covers. Bella insists on sharing my pillow with me.
It may sound like I'm hatin' on Bella, but I'm not. She actually has some wonderful qualities. She's quite calm, which is nice, and is an excellent snuggler. Plus, she doesn't shed and is docile enough that the kids can take her for a walk on the leash. And, ya know, there's that whale spout hair-do. I like her. Plus, she's surprisingly athletic.
So, in summary. Bella: super cute, kinda dumb, extra snuggly.
It may sound like I'm hatin' on Bella, but I'm not. She actually has some wonderful qualities. She's quite calm, which is nice, and is an excellent snuggler. Plus, she doesn't shed and is docile enough that the kids can take her for a walk on the leash. And, ya know, there's that whale spout hair-do. I like her. Plus, she's surprisingly athletic.
So, in summary. Bella: super cute, kinda dumb, extra snuggly.
So, what you're saying is dogs take on the personality of their owners?
Are you calling Franz snuggly?
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