Me + Tractor == Awesomeness.
Software engineer, dad, husband, retired cyclist, wakeboarder, hunter, fisherman...hell, the only thing I don't do is run. Because running sucks.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fo Free? I'm in!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pleasure, Indeed!
If there's one thing that makes me crave a menthol cigarette, it's squirting mustard on a potato chip.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday Night Light-Me-The-Fuck-Up
I won't disclose the number of sprints we did because you damn roadies can't seem to handle it, but suffice it to say it was more than last week. Longer sprints, too. I completely collapsed on the last effort, but all my others were pretty good.
The best part about it was that I was still able to get myself back home afterwards, even though I was burping up bile throughout the entire 10-minute ride.
I still haven't gotten my spin back, and I don't feel particularly fluid on the bike, but that'll come. I'm getting faster every workout. Watch out, bitches.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
So, I got up early this morning and put in 30 minutes on the ergo. It sucked. I'll also be working out again later tonight, and again tomorrow morning.
Let's see how fast I can burn out!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The 4-year-old brought my fishing license for Show & Tell today. I have no clue how or why she thought of that.
Back At The Track

Franz had to deliver some wood to the track, so we decided to try to squeeze in a quick workout while we were there. After sitting in road construction on I94 for 45 minutes, it ended up needing to be a very quick workout.
Franz tried out his front and rear discs, and is seems to have gone successfully. Those things are so stupid-light it's scary, but he said they feel solid.
Luke, who abandoned me to secure a real job, met us there to check out the action. I'm positive it was the best day of his life.
My workout absolutely sucked balls. I feel like a really awful bike rider. I'm also fat, so I gotta work on that. Fuck me.
Monday, May 17, 2010
My Balls Feel Strange
Gawd, I'm a pussy. I'm all jittery and shit, too. Lame.
Fishing Opener

Somehow, we kept catching bass, which we can't keep for another two weeks. I've never caught bass this big, and I've never caught bass on sucker minnows, so it was a bit of a shock.
We were also able to haul in 4 Northerns, so we've got the makings of a delicious fish fry. The weather was finally awesome, and I even got sunburned. Pimp.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Best Wedding DJ Ever
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So, What You're Saying Is...
It's a home security system...for my home? Madness.
Sorry it's covered in watermelon juice. Damn kids.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I Am An Amazing Friend.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Will Someone Please Explain This To Me?

Saturday, May 08, 2010
This Is Why We Hate The Ergo
Thursday, May 06, 2010
*Sigh* Where Do I Start?
I've been feeling extremely sentimental the past few weeks and have been especially appreciative of my family. They rock, and I wouldn't be who I am today without 'em.
It seems this all started a couple weeks ago when I was only 2-3 degrees of separation away from several tragic deaths. Last weekend, we were on our way back from Taylors Falls on Highway 95. As we were coming out of Cambridge, we came upon a huge accident, with people lying on the ground and in the back of ambulances. Less than 10 miles later we came upon this scene:

Hundreds of teenagers having some sort of memorial service. The looks on their faces are burned into my mind. It wasn't until we got home that we learned that 6 people had been killed.
One of the drivers had a 4-year-old daughter who brought a card to the crash scene that read "Dear daddy, I love you. I love my dad. I'll miss you. You were the world's best dad. I love you to the moon and back." That's some heart-wrenching shit right there. I can't imagine my daughter having to go through that.
Over the next 2 days, we learned that we had close associations to 3 more individuals who were killed in motorcycle accidents over the weekend.
So, I guess maybe "sentimental" isn't the right word to use. "Grateful" would be more appropriate. It's also made it difficult for me to spend my time doing anything the doesn't revolve around my family.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
This Seems Unwise
Who the hell buys that shit? I mean, vending machine food is already suspect, and now it's expiring? Do not want!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Murphy's Bike Ride
I've been lifting consistently and doing a few sprints here and there, but nothing you could really call "training". That changed today, when I realized that the Fixed Gear Classic is in 5 weeks ("What? It's not in July? Fuck!").
So I called Franz up and told him we (ok, I) need to get training. I got dressed, pumped up my tires (they sure lose a lot of air in 6 months!), and hit the road.
I must still have massive amount of power, because the first time I jumped on the pedals during our warm-up, the axle slipped and my wheel jammed into the chainstay. I skidded to a stop and swore for a while.
Of course, neither Franz nor I had tools or a cell phone, so I got to fondle myself on the side of the road for 15 minutes while he rode home to get some tools. My axle is fucked, but we managed to get it tight enough to finish the workout. I sure hope I can get it off...
After a couple more jumps, we started some flying 100's. On the second sprint, my cleat somehow unclipped from my pedal at 40kph and I was nearly launched over the bars. I somehow managed to stay upright and rode it out one-footed. It scared the shit out of me, but at least I didn't crash.
Three sprints later, I was burping up bile and had wicked tunnel-vision. Always a super experience.
Hopefully this ride got all the kinks ironed out and future workouts will go more smoothly.
I'm fairly confident that I can get into some semblance of shape in 5 weeks. I've still got the max power, which is nice. And, really, how much fitness does a sprinter need, anyway? Once I get my spin back and stop drinking every night, things should start coming together.
Yeah, this is totally gonna work.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
If I Wait For The Perfect Moment, I'll Never Drink It.
I've been waiting to restart the blog. Waiting for something earth-shattering to happen. Waiting for something I feel is worthy of my "comeback post". Fuck it, why not this beer?
I've had this delicious Founders Old Curmudgeon Ale in my fridge for nearly a month. I look at it nearly every day, but I consistently convince myself that that particular day was not special enough for such a beer. I mean, this shit is $15 for a 4-pack!
Tonight, I'm drinking it. It's fantastic, and it made my day feel extra-wonderful...thought that could be the 9.8% alcohol content.
Yeah, it probably is.
That got me thinking about my blog. If I waited for the World's Most Interesting Event, I'd never blog again.
So here I sit, unshowered, drinking a beer on my deck and blogging from my phone. Cuz that's how I roll. Fuck, I hate it when peole say that.
Anyway, I've got a lot of catching up to do.