Well, the trip out to L.A. has officially been worth it. We were back at ADT this afternoon. There was a smaller group of riders, but there were roughly 100 college volleyball players in the infield. Their constant cheers of "Go Bikers! Nice Legs!" sure make a guy feel good about himself.
Anyways...I started out with a couple jumps, then threw down a 12.4, which wasn't so good. There was a guy there who had been racing for several years who had asked if he could sit on while I did another jump, and he pointed out that I wasn't going fast enough before my jump out of turn 4. I tried his technique, and damn! 12.15
I decided to try one more before I packed it up. 12.09, my best ever. On that one, my new buddy couldn't even keep up. Things are starting to look good for the upcoming season!
Ted has been incredibly consistent. All of his times were withing .03 seconds of each other - 12.43, 12.46, 12.44, 12.43. He'll be tearing it up at Masters Natz this year.
This has been an awesome trip. Everyone at the track has been really cool and helpful. Many even offered advice on technique and gearing. Tomorrow we box our bikes up and head back to MN for another 3 months of winter. Ugh.
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