Lots of riders showed up for Madison practice last night. I got there early and did a full sprint workout (OK, 2/3 of a sprint workout) prior to the class, because I was told it's "Not really a workout, just skills training." Bull. Shit.
I was really surprised at how much fun it was! I used to scoff at Madisons because it just seemed like there was a really high probability of crashing. After taking the class, everything makes a lot more sense now. If you crash in a Madison, it's because you or someone else fucked up...just like any other race.
I got teamed up with Crosby, which was fantastic because he's done like a finity of Madison throws and had lots of good advice for me. And guess what? I actually didn't suck! No, really! Brian told me so.
Then we played a nice game of "put the sprinter on the front of the paceline for 50 laps while Super-Rookie yells at him to go faster, then slower, then faster again." Always a good time.
I had one minor lapse in my attention span and got to take a short trip through the infield. I won't be doing that again.
By the end of the night, I had logged just over 2 hours of saddle time...a record for 2008. I'm not used to riding my bike that long. My whole body hurts.
Man, I can't wait for this season to start! Good work out there last night.
I'm sore all over today as well, we went harder last night than we had all season. Must've been becuz Super was there.... ;)
btw, You and Crosby will make a good Madison team. Sickboy will have to team up with Ted...
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