Max wasn't even embarrassed to be seen with us, although we couldn't get him to dress like a real man.

Anticipation. The ear protections is because it's loud as shit in there!

Batman was loved by all the kids

Brutus. 'Nuff said.

Traffic jam!

Eventual winner Avenger goes ape shit on a perfectly good mobile home.

Escalade hits the jump.

Grave Digger gets big air...

...loses a wheel...

...and crashes into Escalade. Great stuff!

Maximum Destruction tries to wow the crowd...

...but winds up upside-down

Max took all these pictures, and I think he did a hell of a good job. He was rooting for Batman, who took second in the racing and dead last in the freestyle. Ya win some, ya lose some.
Monster Jam is always a blast. If you've never been there, you should go. It kicks ass. Almost every truck winds up on its roof, which is always the best part.
that's awesome, I would've been there if there would've been no loon state party. Believe it or not, I've got the clothes!
Is that a tumer on your bicep or are you Photoshopping?
That's no tumor, that's your son!
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