I wore goggles, which looked stupid but were awesome.

We started out at North Loop, where we ran into Doom out on the trail. He finished the lap with us and led us through the trails at Riverside, where I proceeded to fall on my ass, much to Brain's delight. Then we headed back for one more lap at North loop. All told, we had a total of 2.5 hours on the bike, which is longer that I've ridden in...shit, I dunno! We got snowed on for most of the ride so the trails were kind of slick, especially the rocks and roots.
I was relatively pleased that I didn't suck horribly. I only went down twice! I'm pretty tired tonight, and my hip hurts, but I'm otherwise in good shape. I think a good time was had by all. It was good to hang out with them fellers, even if they are enduros.
Then we hit up McDonald's for a massive feast. Yes, that is two quarter-pounders, two 4-piece nuggest, a large fry and a soda. Brain's pimp hand is way strong. Also, his scarf is very jaunty.

They also have a kick-ass ergo at McD's. I had to beat up a couple kids to get on it, but it was well worth it.

Here's a little somethin' for the ladies. Remove that wheel, Brain, REMOVE IT!

Looks kinda fun....I would have rocked that ergo!
I wore goggles, which looked stupid but were awesome.
Looked awesome too!
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