Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weekly Spew - Vegas Edition

A cab driver told us that several strippers drive Lamourghini's and Ferrari's. That hardly seems fair.
Bodacious P absolutely owned the Roulette wheel.
There are fake tits everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just sayin'.
I feel like I was gone for like a month.
My body is really, really angry with me.
Nate got called a loser by a stripper. Their sole existence is based on making people feel good about themselves. FAIL!
The people of Nevada are little bitches about the weather. Our plane sat on the runway for 2 hours because of a little rain storm.
It is super hot in Vegas. Like 110 degrees. And don't give me any shit about "dry heat". Nothing on me was dry.
There is an inverse relationship between the price of a drink and the amount of alcohol that will be in it.
I couldn't believe how many parents had their kids out in the casinos with them at 3:00 AM.
I hate gambling.
I am exhausted and having trouble coming back to the real world. I need a nap.


Christopher Smith said...

Nate got called a loser by a stripper. Their sole existence is based on making people feel good about themselves. FAIL!

I thought their sole existence was based upon separating customers from their money, thus the Lamborghini's and Ferrari's


Tenacious T said...

Would you give a stripper her Ferrari money if she called you a loser?


Christopher Smith said...

Well, I guess the trick is to dole out the insults after the cash transfer has taken place.

Probably fail.

Franz said...

Smithers admitted he was wrong or at least potentially wrong!!! This should be the leading story in the next bike throw!!!

Christopher Smith said...

Smithers admitted he was wrong or at least potentially wrong!

I am wrong all the time! I'm just not ever wrong on my own blog.