Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weekly Spew

The Jonas Brothers are unattractive and appear to have dull personalities, yet they're famous because Disney Channel decided they should be. Disney's pimp hand is way strong.
I'm kinda creeped out by bananas. I still eat 'em, but they're a strange fruit. Gooey stuff inside a leathery peel. Bleh.
My motivation to ride is back!
I know entirely too many people named Andrew. It's getting troublesome when I have to send an e-mail to one of them. There are 9 in my address book. Time to purge.
I'm a huge fan of women's beach volleyball. Men's, not so much.
There are some super boring sports in the Olympics, but I can't seem to stop watching them.
If it's possible, I think Caribou burnt my coffee this morning.


SickBoy said...

If it's possible, I think Caribou burnt my coffee this morning.

Light roast? or dark? G and I affectionately dub the former the 'Ashtray Roast'

Tenacious T said...

I asked for dark roast, but it tasted like burnt light roast. Maybe that's how they make it darker???

Meow said...

Disney is Douche!! I hate them because they're frickin' greedy and want to take over the world!! Used to work in the "entertainment industry" in L.A. and remember Mike Ovitz in particular being the worst!
Wow-9 Andy's?! I only know 5!