Instead of attending my wife's 10-year class reunion this year, we went camping with a bunch of her high school friends. I'm not big on campgrounds. If I'm going camping, I want to be in the damn wilderness, not sitting in a field 1/4 mile off the lake next to a bunch of motorhomes.
It was cold, too. I wore a sweatshirt pretty much all weekend. It was nice for sleeping, though.
Regardless, it was fun. We borrowed Bodacious P's camper so we didn't have to deal with the indignity of sleeping in a tent. The campground also had a shuffleboard court. That's how you know they're targeting young people. Is it called a court? It was a shuffleboard "thing". Lane? I dunno. Anyway, it was fun to play while drinking.
We had reserved a pontoon for a day, but when we went to get it we were informed that they had given it to another group. Of course, the girls were irate and decided to handle it by yelling at the owner's wife and making her cry. In their defense, she was obviously weak-minded. Anyway, we got a different (crappier) pontoon for free. It had a 20-horse motor, which was barely able to propel us across the lake, and it was the kind with no seats. We had to use lawn chairs. Classy!
The water was freezing, but we were
That night, one of the girls got the stomach flu and was laid up for the rest of the weekend. That's pretty much the extent of the excitement (aside from an old guy telling me "if you were in 'Nam, you'd be dead by now"). Here's the pics.
Da boat.

Kirsten (not Kristin) and NaCole

Stop taking my picture.

Me and the wife

Dragging behind the boat

This is Luke. His wife kept yelling at him to "stop being so ugly".


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