Friday, October 23, 2009

OMFG, I Did Bike Maintenance!

Ready to rock the shit out of Monticello at a moderate pace tomorrow. Go mediocrity!


tmanderfeld said...

For god's sake Taylor it's single speed without suspension, besides lubing the chain and adjusting the seat how much bike maintenance could you have done?

tmanderfeld said...

Oops sorry, after a closer look I do see derailers, you ARE THE MAN!

Franz said...

Apparently not enough maintenance. He flatted 1/2 way on the ride. I had to go back and get his tube he left in the car. He proceeded to put the new tube in and flatted a 2nd time in 5 minutes.

Tenacious T said...

Yeah, pretty much all I did was lube the chain, pump up the tires, and adjust the brake cables.

Though, since that's the extent of my abilities, I felt pretty good about myself.