Just yesterday it was announced that the "legendary" Kenny Williams was busted for doping at the 2009 Masters National Championships, where he won 3 gold medals and set a World Record. (Detail of his admission of guilt can be found here).
While I'm excited that JT is being belatedly rewarded for all his hard work last season, I know this isn't how he wanted to win. He was robbed of his opportunity to stand on the podium and slip into his Stars & Stripes jersey. In short, it just ain't the same.
Kenny claims that this positive test was due to some over-the-counter DHEA that he took 6 weeks prior to Masters Nationals. That story seems a bit fabricated to me, but anything other than what Kenny is saying is purely speculation. I will say, though, that I don't know of many over-the-counter drugs that stay in your system for 6 weeks. Additionally, it doesn't matter if he was taking what essentially amounts to a placebo or if he was sticking a testosterone patch in his chamois, the motive is the same.
And honestly...masters racing!? Really? Doping for masters racing? Really? For shame.
His girlfriend, Annette, was busted a few years ago also for doping.
Randy L
Big Dave and I have now moved up to 3rd for the Team Pursuit!
you were doing well until the last sentence. cheating is cheating regardless of your age or category. your comment makes it look like it's justified if you are elite.. kenny was both.
Justified? Hardly.
In fact, cheating in elite competition is (I believe) more morally reprehensible because a doper is likely cheating someone else out of making a living.
Cheating in masters racing is just more - I don't even know the word for it...silly, stupid, lame, retarded...pick one. Ludicrous. Yeah, ludicrous is the right word.
It's no less wrong, it's just wrong in a sillier way.
Congrats, homie!
How convenient that 3rd and 4th place medals are the same color!
They're the same color, but skibby has long since eaten the chocolate out of his. All that's left is the wrapper.
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