Saturday, June 12, 2010

After Some Consideration...

I'm feeling a bit better about myself. I'm generally not the type of person who is encouraged by setbacks. Much the opposite, actually. I know that's not a good way to go through life, so I'm trying to have a more positive outlook and see that, hey, I've got nowhere to go but up, right?

I don't know what I was expecting, or why it's such a blow to me to have one bad time trial. Honestly, I've really just been going through the motions this Spring because my heart hasn't really been in it. Maybe it's leftover mental weirdness from my crash...I dunno. Today was a wake-up call that maybe I do care.

My coworker has this quote on his office wall:
"Happiness is reality divided by expectations. In order to be happy, either improve your reality or lower your expectations."

Since I'm not willing to lower my expectations, I guess I've got some thinking - and some work - to do.


Anonymous said...

atta way!

Anonymous said...

Where is Russian Bear?