Some of you may have noticed that I was missing for several days. That's because I was up in Canada fishing. I'll get to that later, but I've got some bitching to do.
Let it be said: T-Mobile fucking sucks. I've been with them for almost 10 years, back when they were Aerial, then VoiceStream, and finally T-Mobile. I've stayed with them because the prices are good, but I can't deal with their worthless service anymore.
Of the 9 people I was with in Canada, only those with T-Mobile didn't have service. In fact, we had to drive over 4 hour into North Dakota until my phone worked, and we were in Fargo before I had any data coverage.
This is unacceptable. What's the point of having a cell phone that never works anywhere? It's probably fine if you don't travel a lot, but I trek into the middle of nowhere too regularly.
Plus, they've really dropped the ball on their phones. The best phone they actually sell is still the Cliq, which is 8 months old. All the other carriers have new, pimp Android phones (or the defective iPhone 4, yippee!). And the fucking Cliq is still running Android 1.5, so I can't even run all the available apps.
Like I said, I'm sick of this shit.
So, I'm on a mission to get out of my contract. I tried calling and pleading my case, but they want $200 per line for early termination. Suckageawea. I think the only way to do it is to find someone to take over my plan...kinda like a sublease. Anyone interested? I'll throw in my Cliq for free.
tell me more, tell me more. I have T-mobile phone but no service plan, just pay as you go...
what options does t-mobile have for transferring numbers to existing plans or?
You can transfer numbers around all you want. Basically, what would happen is I go to my new carrier and transfer my number to them. Then a new, random number gets assigned to my account. Then we call up and do the transfer and you can get your number moved to the account.
The plan is $89.98/month for 2 lines of unlimited talk, plus $24.99 for the Android data plan. I currently pay $4.99/line for 400 texts, but that could be dropped if you want.
Shoot me an e-mail if you want to talk about it more. There's a 'Contact Me' link over in the right sidebar.
Russian Bear and Tenacious T are having the same experience. Started back in 1999 with Aerial then Voicestream (or was it the other way around) Either way that sort of loyalty is WAY beyond current trends. And for what I ask you?.
T-Moblie is simply behind the times and, perhaps more profound, seem to care less that I have not cheated on them.
Could have used you last night.
Ferris schooled everyone while the other so called sprinters (two of us) sucked the suckiest suckers in suckland. Sucks to suck.
Yikes. $120/month.... I think I'm paying about $300/year for my pay as you go plan. but then I'm a cheap bastard...
Thanks, but I think I'll pass.
I figured.
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