The asshat in the red car dinged my door. WHILE I WAS SITTING IN MY CAR! This was the second time in one day that someone had dinged my door while I was in my car. What. The. Fuck.
I park at the gym, finish up my phone conversations, and THUMP. I honked at the weasly little dude who did it, and he just scurried into the gym. I followed him into the locker room and berated him.
me: "Nice mark you left on my car, douchebag."
weasle guy: "The wind took it"
me: "It's windy for everyone, buddy, but most people would have at least apologized."
weasle guy (looking really nervous and shifty): "I'm sorry, the wind took it, then I heard the thing, so I ran away."
Then he scurried off. In retrospect, I was kind of an asshole, and it occurred to me that he likely didn't know I was in the car. When I honked, he probably thought he had set my alarm off.
Oh well, maybe he'll be more careful next time.
1 comment:
have a bake sale to raise the funds to fix the door. :)
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