Tanacity implies being long-suffering, which I am not. When the going gets tough, I...uh...don't.
I'm considering changing the name of the blog, and I'm looking for suggestions. The best suggestion wins not only the distinction of naming the blog of the 2007 MN State Match Sprint Champion, but also gets $10. That's right, 10 big ones.
If all suggestions are stupid, you have to deal with Tenacious T forever.
Hey, I'm reinventing myself. I'm kinda like Prince. I mean

I'll probably even register a real live domain name.
little d
One FAST Mo' F*CKER.blogspot.com
wow. still available.
I Break Shit
How about "Free Range Chicken"?
OK, so I made the executive decision to leave the blog name as-is.
While all entries were good, Frye's was my favorite. Sadly, that domain is already taken.
Plus, I'd probalby screw something up in the transition and lose all my previous posts.
Thanks to all who played. Oh yeah, I guess technically Little D won the contest. Come and get your money.
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