Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weekly Spew

I'm getting to the age when a lot of my acquaintances are starting to get divorced. It's depressing as shit.
A double bed and a full-size bed are the same thing.
'All Natural' bread gets old and moldy in like 3 days. More preservatives, please!
Rock of Love II is the single greatest show on TV. Possibly ever.
Those polygamists are absolutely bat-shit crazy. I saw a couple of the women on the news this morning, and they look and sound like drones.
I heard the most disgusting thing in the bathroom at work this morning. I'll spare you the details, but it involves a 400+ pound dude and (I'm guess) Mexican food. I was literally gagging, and I left the bathroom without washing my hands or buttoning my pants. Desperate times...
I have an unhealthy obsession with Q-Tips.


Anonymous said...

"Rock of Love II is the single greatest show on TV. Possibly ever."

Close, but you're forgeting "Hogan's Heroes" and "Gilligan's Island"

Little D

Meow said...

I like the way you think Mr.T!! Love the "weekly spew"s.