Racing was great last night. I thought I was going to be cooked due to the warm weather, but it started cooling off just as racing started. I haven't done much training in the past couple weeks, so I was concerned about my fitness, but it seems to be fine. Rest does a body good!
The first race was a Revers Win & Out. Basically, a circus race that rewards mediocrity. Oh well. The defining factor of this race is that if you're going for first, you may end up with nothing. Before the race started, I decided that it wasn't worth racing unless I was going for the win. Well, plans change. I was right on Crosby's wheels most of the race, and the pace kept ramping up. I didn't want to get to the point where I was too tired to sprint, so I went a bit early and took 3rd place. I thought it was second (because I can't count), but it wasn't.
Next up were the Chariot heats. The race started out relatively slow, and I jumped on the last lap to take the win and advance to the finals.
In the finals, it was 5 SpeedFix guys...and Ferris. Pretty good odds. I drew the number 2 spot, right above Ferris. We jockeyed for position a bit on the first lap, but the pace stayed manageable. Coming into lap 2, Richter (making his triumphant return to racing) shut the door on Ted and made a move over the top. I pushed him uptrack a bit, then used the banking to slingshot around Ferris and ride away from the pack for the win.
I had no intentions of racing the last 80-lap points race, but I stuck around to watch the Team Pursuit Challenge, which was very cool. There was some drama afterwards, but I'm not going to let that overshadow the great racing that preceded it.
There were a couple crashes in the lower categories as well, but bodies and gear all seemed to be in working order, which is always good.
I had some awesome items delivered to me last night as well. I got my new Bell Sweep R helmet, two jerseys, a skinsuit (now with ass-crack coverage), a pair of bib shorts (with NO ass-crack coverage), and a new pair of shoes. Great success! I love getting new stuff.
yea, that cute sliver puller was pretty busy last night.. i hope i never meet her.
Did Patty Cakes hit on her?
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