For years, motorcyclists have utilized "the wave". It's not so much a wave as it is just pointing at the ground, but the bottom line is that it's a recognition of someone with a similar interest.
It's not only considered proper to wave, it's generally considered rude not to. I'm all for sharing the joy of the open road with my 2-wheeled bretheren, but here's the problem:

The enflux of asshats on scooters. Many of them have picked up on "the wave", and think that they're part of the club. They're not. If you sit on your "hog" in the same manner that you would sit in a church pew, don't try to hang with the cool kids. Just hang your head in shame, pull over, and stop holding up traffic.
Exceptions from being scorned: chicks, hippies (you guys were made for scooting!)

I don't know...I saw a late 40's something lady in a pretty hot puppy with flowers shirt and cotton shorts this morning on a scooter. Nice bright green helmet as well.
Is she an exception?
chick: informal terms for a (young) woman
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