Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Weekly Spew

Quote of the week: "If you start to lick the lollipop of mediocrity, you'll suck forever." -some golfer
I hit at least 100 frogs with my lawn mower last week. Little bastards are everywhere!
Electrical transformers make a huge green flash when they get struck by lightening.
Bars do not off discounted drink prices when the power goes out. They should.
My babysitter informed us (via passive-aggressive note) that she wants a 230% raise. We decided she's not going to be babysitting for us anymore.
She also wanted gas money. What job pays for your gas to get there???
Tee ball was cancelled last night on account of bugs. WEAK!
My neice Margaux's soccer team won the championship game in overtime last night. She's bad ass.


Franz said...

Margaux pound for pound is one of the strongest people I have ever met. Where did she get that from? To bad I can not get her to the track.

SickBoy said...

What job pays for your gas to get there???

USCF Official....

Tenacious T said...

Yeah, but they have to babysit a lot more kids than my babysitter does!