Since Kristin had to work on Saturday, it was just Addi and me. We went back to my grandma's house, thinking that the rest of the crew would be shortly behind us. After hanging out with my grandpa's caretaker for half an hour (awkward!), we left and went to Pizza Hut, where we saw my favorite ambiguously gay townie.
We spent all day Saturday hanging out at my grandma's farm, which was awesome. I miss living in the country at times. The weather was perfect - almost 70 degrees out and sunny.
We got home late Saturday night, and during the drive I realized that my radio shuts off for a few seconds when I turn on my high beams in the Exploder. FAIL.
After baseball camp on Sunday, Kristin left for some hair thing at the MOA, so the kids and I just kicked it.
Yesterday I had to put the finishing touches on a project at work, so I think I can finally relax a bit.
Let's see, what else is new...
I ordered my new bike!

It will be arriving this week...just in time for shitty weather.
My current bike is on Craigslist, and it makes me remember why I prefer to use E-Bay. Sure, boxing and shipping a bike is a pain in the ass, but it's not nearly as annoying as entertaining lowball offers from half-wits who think Craigslist is the bargain bin.
My knee has been bugging me ever since the ride last Tuesday. I think I just rode too long for my first outdoor ride of the year. I'll back it off a bit and start at an hour at a time, then gradually ramp it up. I dunno...I dealt with this crap 3 years ago and it damn near ruined my riding season.
I'm planning to do a couple crits and/or shorter road races this year. Should
My ergo workouts started out really poorly this year, but they've improved rapidly and my power/weight ratio is actually a bit better than at this time last year. I'm tellin' ya, changing my diet has done wonders.
So far my workouts have been really sporadic, but I plan to get more serious soon. Like, now.
That's all I got.
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