I was hoping for a really nice day to take my new bike out for its maiden voyage, but since that didn't happen (and it looks like shitty weather is imminent for the remainder of the week) I decided to bundle up and take it out yesterday.
I'll start with pics, since that's all anyone cares about anyway.
Every tube on this bike is shaped or formed in some way.

Big, beefy bottom bracket

The press-fit bearings are a nice touch, allowing for a bigger BB area, and eliminating the external bearing cups.

Way better than an integrated seatmast

The only issue I have is the shitty bar/stem combo. As soon as I get my fit dialed I'll be ordering something cooler.

Overally first impressions: This bike rocks. Hardcore. All that "vertically compliant and laterally stiff" bullshit aside, this bike is the 2nd-stiffest thing I've ever had between my legs (get it, huh? huh? I'm talking about my Tiemeyer, pervo). I've never before experienced the sensation of every ounce of power going directly to the rear wheel, but it was there yesterday.
I didn't really know what to expect, having never ridden a carbon bike before. It doesn't soak up big bumps or chip & seal, but it does elimate the chatter on rough roads that I experienced with my other bikes.
The compact geometry seems to fit me well, too. I've never had such an easy time getting comfortable on a bike. I usually have to micro-adjust everything for weeks, but I was pleased with my position after only about 10 minutes of toying with it on the rollers.
The 105 components are about what I expected. Much better than SRAM, not quite as crisp as Dura-Ace, but still better than the circa-2005 Ultegra I'd used previously. If it turns out I do more riding on the road, I would likely upgrade the shifters and derailleurs to Ultegra SL.
The stock wheels went with my old bike, and I swapped in the Cane Creek Volos for a savings of over 400 grams, which should put the bike close to 17 pounds. No, it's not super-light, but I rather prefer it that way. It feels solid, which is what I was looking for.
Overall, I'm very impressed. Without a great deal of experience with different road bikes, I'm probably not the ideal person to provide product reviews, but I'm very particular about my equipment, and this bike did not disappoint. For the price, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find something as nice. The bike was 100% redesigned for 2009, and is a lot closer to the new Advanced SL than it is to the '08 TCR Advanced.
I'm not one to keep my displeasure quiet, so if I have future issues with this bike, you'll hear about it here.
105 better than SRAM? yeah right... Nice Looking Bike! Skibbysez ride Giant!
Skibbysez Ride Giant HED Time.
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