My son had this Ben 10 watch (I have no idea), which apparently was his favorite toy, despite never playing with it. Well, he's lost it and wants another one.
We stopped at a couple stores yesterday, but they were out of stock. I looked online to find out that these watches have become very rare and are now a collectors' item which sells for over $100 in most places.
Wha? It's a child's watch that allows you to fight aliens. Srsly?
We're going to look harder.
I know what ya mean!! Years ago when those beanie babies were ridiculously popular, 3 yr. old lost her white cat-tried to replace and it was frickin' $40! (We paid like $6!)
And apparently really tasteless Green Giant jackets are also on the "hot" list. Bought one at the thrift store ($4)for 6 year old who had to have it and found out people in Japan were willing to shell out $140 for it. I totally eBayed that shit!!! Kid-not so happy 'bout it......
Let me know if you find them. My son has the "big" Ben10 watch and wants the "little Ben" watch too (the one you're looking for).
P.S. Supposedly WalMart and Kmart carry it. We don't have Walmarts around these parts though.
The WalMart and KMart in St. Cloud do not carry them, and the only ones I found that were actually in stock were in Austrailia on e-bay.
Luckily, Max found his watch today...and promply broke it after only 15 minutes of use.
As a side note, I think Ben 10 is on of the worst shows on TV.
I disagree, I love it.
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