Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Prognosis Update

I just got back from an appointement with my Orthopedic Surgeon and got mostly good news, and some news that I pretty much expected.  He looked at the MRI and was very impressed with the size of my hematoma.  He called it "remarkable".  Dreams can come true!

The good news is that I won't need surgery and I will make a full recovery.  Further good news is that the damage to my IT Band is not nearly as bad as originally thought.  The tendon has a sprain, and once healed will not affect me in any way.  This is pretty much the best outcome I could possibly hope for.  Full recovery?  Yes please!

Unfortunately, I also learned that my recovery time is essentially unchanged.  It will be 3-4 weeks until the swelling in my hip has gone down enough that I can begin any real rehab (including light cycling), and another 4-6 weeks before I can dive back into a complete workout regimin.  At that point, I'll be so out of shape from lying dormant for 3 months that it's going take a lot of work to regain my fitness.   But, I'm a competitor at heart, so I'll be plenty motivated, and I'll be constantly pushing the limits of my rehab.

The gross news is that my injury is what is known as a "degloving injury".   Click the link to learn more.  It's nast.  Ick.  Basically, my skin was ripped away from the underlying tissue, like taking off a glove.

I meet with a specialist at the Orthopedic Sports Center on Friday morning for an evaluation.  I'm hoping for more good news.

My mobility has getting better every day.  I'm down to one crutch, and I'm hoping to be able to walk unassisted within the next week.

Stay tuned...

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