It's been brought to my attention that The Taint and The Man In Black-and-Yellow (Team Sub-11, brought to you by NOW Bikes and Fitness!) think that recruiting Goldmember will bring them Team Sprint victory.
The aero-ness of my helmet and the intimidating (and dare I say sexy!) look on my face say different.
I'd say it looks more like Skibby.
Franz, I heard you cracked your frame from BW- nice pics. As for a bike it really doesn't make a bit of diff. so long as it doesn't break- DOH! I recall a comment from Ryan Bayley somewhere who said something to the effect I should go under 11 seconds on any bike with two wheels. I can't talk 'cuz I have more bike than I can ever ride and will never do it justice as it's former owner did and still could, but I needed a new track ride, it fit and the price was very reasonable...and it is an anchor! Notice they don't even bother weighing them at Nationals....
Spicers can be had quickly, are fairly inexpensive and can be customized with as many gussets as you would like and don't forget the tassels- They are very stiff but crude.
Nice job(s) on the Sprints...
You also have to consider style, substance, heritage and coolness.
Spicer is not a cool bike. Nor is Tiemeyer or Jovelin. Now that the King is dead, long live the new king.
The thing about the old king is that he always had cool bikes. Never the lightest or highest tech, but always the coolest.
If indeed you are to be considered something in Minnesota cycling or cycling in general, you have to consider your personal style and your bike reflects that.
A Bianchi track bike is simply not cool. Celeste on the track, please.
Dont do a Felt (you'll break it in a month) or a Langster (duh. see above). Not a Surley because really, does any body by that song and dance any more?
IF I were you I would get the Pinarello Carbon Sprint frame and dress it all in Campy.
Talk about cool.
Or the Schwinn Madison, which has all the elements. Just the frame and fork. The other stuff around it can be used for something else. Goo luck breaking that fork
looks like a DArth Vader hat to me... so you've gone to the dark side eh?
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