Monday, July 27, 2009


Those of you who follow me on Twitter already know that I've been sick for like the last 11 days. It started out with an upper respiratory flu, then turned into bronchitis. I had a fever for 7 days, and I'm still hacking up all sorts of shit from my lungs.

I first started getting sick the Friday before last. We were on vacation up North (more on that later when I have pics) and I woke up feeling some congestion in my chest. I figured it was just allergies and participated in the day's activities: 4-wheeling, dirt-biking, and sauna-ing.

That night, the fever started to kick in. I was popping ibuprophin 4 at a time to keep it under control for the rest of the weekend. I still pushed myself to do all the fun shit, knowing I'd pay the price later. Sunday, our last day there, was miserable. I couldn't sleep because the fever was causing wierd nightmares, AND I had to help pack all our shit up so we could leave.

I finally made it through that, survived the 5-hour drive home, and went to bed for the next 3 days. When I finally emerged from my NyQuil-induced haze, I figured I should probably go to the doctor. They gave me antibiotics and told me I'd be feeling better within a couple days. Nope.

I ended up having to stay home from my 10-year high school reunion because I was still sick. I heard I didn't miss much. Not that I thought I would.

Today is the first day I finally feel like I'm getting a bit better. Luckily, no one in my family has gotten sick (yet). Hopefully staying quarantined in bed helped reduce the spread of germ-bugs. I gotta get better quickly, though. We've got big plans this weekend. And they include drinking.


OTR said...

Get well, but be patient - it took me 6 weeks to get over. I have a little more difficulty getting through things like this thanks to my asthma so you might just power through it.

Tenacious T said...

Awesome news. That's exactly what I wanted to hear!