The new Cisco/Linksys routers look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the old ones.
And look how thin!
It's so thin I could put it on a bunny's head and it would look like a pancake.

I'm fully aware that I'll notice very little to no difference over Wireless G, but it should help for streaming movies from my desktop. Also, it looks better, and I got a killer deal on it. Plus, I sold my old one to Bodacious P. I win at life.
Just to make sure I wasn't losing anything by giving up the external antennas, I did a before-and-after speed test. Before:


Uh oh...better try that again...

Ahhh, that's better. Subsequent tests put me anywhere from 4Mbps to 5.5 Mbps. Yes, I'm cheap and should probably pay for faster internet. Leave me alone. The point in that I'm getting the same speeds all the way on the other side of the house, which is better than before with the external antennas. I achieved similar speeds with a wired connection, so overall I'm pleased.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go review some films in my office. With the door locked.
I keed, I keed!
I'll take that WRT off your hands - with upgraded firmware, it's actually way nicer than your new one.
if you'd get a HTPC setup going, you'd have a legitimate use for that router other than downloaded (ahem) "films".
That's the plan. I just dumped a 500GB HD in my old desktop. Waiting for my new RAM to show up.
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