Tuesday, September 08, 2009

School Daze

Today was the first day of school for both kids. Max started 2nd grade, and Addi started pre-school.

Addison was about the most excited girl that ever was.
Max? Well, let's just call him "cautiously optimistic". I think he was trying really hard to pretend he wasn't excited. He's got an image to uphold!
It brings back a lot of memories. The first day of school each year was yet another opportunity to not make an ass out of myself. I'd spend several days thinking about exactly what to wear so it wouldn't look like I was actually trying to look good. Looking fly on a farmer's budget is an art, lemme tell ya.

I'd then have the stress of wondering if my girlfriend from the previous year was still my girlfriend, despite the fact that we hadn't spoken in three months (waddaya want from me, I live 12 miles from town!). I made sure to wear an undershirt so the stress-induced pit-sweat wouldn't bring shame to my poor little pre-pubescent psyche.

I had horribly thick hair, and no matter how much gel I put in it, it would still 'fro out and make me look like I had a disproportionately large head. That didn't stop me from trying to tame it, though. I once shaved it, but it turns out I have ridges on my scalp (like a Klingon), so that looked even worse. I'd gel the shit out of it, then fall asleep on the 90-minute but ride to school and mess it all up. It didn't help that one kid would always say, "holy shit you have a huge head!". Fuckin' kids.

What a pleasant ritual!

Then I'd get to school and realize that everyone was basically the same, just 3 months older. And no one gave a shit about my giant head. Except that one kid. Who was a dick.

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