These are a few of my favorite things.

Hendricks Gin
There's nothing better
The definition of smooth
Tonic has quinine

E&J Brandy VSOP
My father-in-law
Makes a mean-ass manahattan
But good with Coke, too

Bacardi Gold
It's Puerto Rican
So you know it'll be good
Just try it, asshole

Patron Silver
Words cannot desribe
The joy of margaritas
Made with da Patron.

Seagram's VO Whiskey
I first tried this drink
Playing cards in Seattle
I think I'm in love

Newcastle Brown Ale
I don't drink much beer
But I certainly would if
All tasted like this

Philips Blackberry Brandy
Got me arrested
Made me puke on the carpet
Not drinking again

Trader Vic's Spiced Rum
Surprisingly good
For knock-off Captian Morgan
Smooth and delicious

Blue Moon
Yes, the orange slice*
May be a bit fruity, but
I think it's super

Dos Equis Amber
You are Mexican
But I've never seen you in
Mexico. Ever.
*"Orange" is 2 syllables. I looked it up.
What? No Vodka? My exfavorite!
OMG-Too funny you are.
Discovered Hendricks about a year ago, it was a very good day...I think.
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