I didn't realize until today how much blog-land needed me. Christ, you people are boring!
It's a sad state of affairs when I can't even bring myself to open up Google Reader in the morning because it's more exciting to actually work.
How many times do I have to see the same GD story about the
guy fucking his bike? Honestly, I think someone posted it once a week. It was published in Bicycling magazine for fuck's sake. It doesn't need to be on 50 blogs. See
here, and
here. And these are just the recent ones! I would have looked for more, but I'm sick of reading about it.
Also, what's the deal with people who only allow partial RSS feeds? (I'm looking at
you and
you in particular). I don't want to have to go to your page to see what you wrote, I want to see it in my RSS reader. I've stopped reading your posts because it's a pain in the ass.
And don't get me started on the fake drama that some bloggers are trying to drum up. That is the empitome of lame. If there's real drama, let it happen, but don't make shit up. You are adults. Act like it. Attempting to inject some sort of "burn" into everything you write makes you seem petty and childish.
Dammit, now I'm all worked up. I need a drink.