Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Piece of Shit

Guess why I'm pissed off?

I hate these fucking things.


Gilby said...

Self checkouts are good if and only if you and all the people in front of you are only getting items with bar codes. Most cashiers have most of the produce codes memorized, which almost guarantees it will be faster to go through them.

Tenacious T said...

Until you have to wait 10 minutes for an inept employee to find someone who's "certified" to validate your signature because the machine randomly decided your handwriting sucks.

Gilby said...

You should work on your handwriting.

Does Simon Delivers operate in your area? It's the best thing ever. Place your order from the comfort of wherever you happen to be, no lines, food shows up on your doorstep the next day. Great produce, everything is packed carefully--much nicer than trying to remember where the eggs and glass are when I take off my messenger bag...

Tenacious T said...

We have something similar. I may have to try it.

Then what will I have to bitch about?

Anonymous said...

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