All of my elderly relatives are starting to "get old".
My grandpa has Parkinsons, congestive heart failure, and has had several strokes recently. We had to place him in a nursing home last weekend. He can hardly hear anything we say, and when he does he can't comprehend what we're saying.
My other grandpa just got through chemo for colon and lung cancer.
My great aunt just had a heart attack and had to move into assisted living.
My grandmother-in-law doesn't remember my kids' names.
My step-grandfather-in-law was just hospitalized because he couldn't remember to take his medication.
It is thoroughly depressing to see them like this. It gets harder and harder to remember how vibrant they once were. It really emphasizes the importance of cherishing every moment we have with our loved ones, because life goes by way too fast.
I look at my own life and realize how quickly it's gone by. My kids are growing up before my eyes. I'm a real live adult with a job, kids, and a mortgage. I'm even getting a few hairs on my back. When did that happen?
Ha ha some tard wasted another minute of his life just to write that, what a goose!
But as I say, the older I get the better I was!
Shut up? Good one.
Hey, when you're done being a cowardly piece of shit, let me know. We'll chat.
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