In high school we both worked at McDonald's. Any time we had to close, we used industrial cleaners to help get all the grease and grime off the grill. One of these cleaners was powdered de-limer, which is basically an acid that loosens cooked-on crud via chemical reaction. This powder comes in a little packet, and Ryan would lick his finger, stick in into the powder, and eat it...kinda like a Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip. He never died, which surprised me.

We were also in Track together. Before races, most of us would pop Ephedrine (back when it was legal), but Ryan would eat Icy-Hot. No shit. Unfortunately, we could never get him to put it on his balls.

Unbelievably, Ryan has vomited on more than one occasion from drinking Sun Drop too fast. Once out of a beer-bong. Ya just can't make this shit up...
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