I think sometimes we all need a little reminder of our own mortality. Last night was that reminder.
Ted crashed hard. Someone clipped a pedal and slid down the track, taking out 3 other riders with him. Alex was able to walk away, but his bike looked to be in bad shape. Dan Wold lost some teeth. When I left, he and his mom were looking for them in the grass. Ted has a major concussion and about 10 stitches. He doesn't remember the first 30 minutes after the crash. He also wrecked his front wheel, but the rear disc appears to be OK.
Two races later, there was another crash in the 1/2 race. I have no clue what happened, but I saw BD flying through the air upside-down with Super-Rookie right next to him. Currell and Regester were also involved. Regester seemed to have a pretty significant shoulder injury, but the other three were able to rejoin the race. The crash looked really nasty, so I officially give those guys "bad ass" status for getting back on. Note: this status expires next Wednesday.
Nothing like crashing in front of your family. Didn't Ted have his son there?
Yeah, he actually had his son, two daughters, wife, friend, and god-son there.
Not a great way to show them how cool your new sport is!
Glad Teddy's noggin will be ok after a couple Tylenol and a girly martini. His son Roman had the best line after the crash. Upon looking at his Dad's messed up wheel he turned to me and said, 'that can't be good'.
This is so making me want to try track racing...
gnarly. the teeth thing is kinda freaking me out. kinda glad i missed it this week.
thanks for the bad ass status. ted looks way more bad ass.
-super rookie
tuffy sends his love from south america ".send them all my best with big kisses and hugs"
So if there's a chunk of wood still in your back, say, four days after a crash, are you supposed to care? I can either train today or go see a doctor . . . ? Now, I'm glad to see Ted was well enough to pose for a picture . . . see you all again after my bad ass status expires.
My grandma used to take care of splinters with a safety pin and some iodine. I can give you her number.
So there's a doctor in St. Paul at least as old as your Grandma who figured he could "scrape it out" with a needle. An 18-gauge needle, whatever that is. so he did some work, but concluded that getting some of it out was good enough, and the rest would come out eventually. Your grandma was right on, and I'm now thinking that i could have done without the trip to the doc, but at least it was quick. I will be carrying pieces of the track with me through the rest of the season.
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