Saturday, June 09, 2007

Catching Up

I've been away from the computer for the last several days while we were moving. Not a whole lot has been going on, but I'll attempt to get caught up here.
Track racing was cancelled due to high winds. Weak. I have never heard of such a damn thing. Ted and I didn't find out until we were almost to the track, so we decided to ride until it started raining. We each got in a short warm-up and one flying 200 before the rain started. Lots of driving for 20 minutes on the track.
We filled up an entire semi trailer with our house stuff. That means we have too much shit and need to purge.
Living with the in-laws is going great. We basically have a live-in babysitter, and we get to spend the summer living on a lake. 4 months until our new house is done.
I had to ride my road bike in tennis shoes yesterday because the battery was dead on my motorcycle. Speedplay pedals suck without cleats. Ouch.
Max got the Rocket Rod for his birthday. It is super-cool in theory, but doesn't seem to catch any fish.
The End

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