Dolan ARC: This is by far the coolest looking track frame out there, and I must have it for my own. This is next year's bike, unless I find something even cooler. Ooh look, shiny!

Heely's: These are awesome. I spend far too much time walking when I should be rolling. I must have these. As a matter of fact, I think I'll order some today. I'm so damn envious of the kids rolling around the mall...

Morgan has a kilt. I don't know if he wears it at the track but I want one too. Maybe we can get a discount if we buy in bulk!
Kilt and frame are cool...Heely's? Those kids drive me nuts! I always want to trip them. Or at least throw a bag of marbles or something in front of them and walk away whistling.
I wear it sometimes to the track. I love my kilt. I think the Velcro is an awesome part of the kilt and makes things a lot simpler.
As for the heely's I think they go to size 10 or 11. So unless you have little elf feet sorry about your luck.
Size 11 = little elf feet?
awesome scottish kilt shop and sportkilt
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