Max turned 5 yesterday! Kristin had the flu, and Grandma took Addi, so it was just me and the boy child. I busted out of work early, and we went to Summerland. We went down the waterslide around 200 times. That was great fun until the meth-head family showed up. Bleeding sores, the whole works. Classy!
Max went on the Kiddie Karts, but they were too slow and he was bored. I took him on the Indy Karts, and that was much better.
We then went to the newly renovated East Side McDonald's, with the Jr. Gym. It's actually really cool. They have a bunch of games that require kids to EXCERCISE to play them. There's a bike that you have to pedal to play the 4-Wheeler game (shown above), a basketball court, Dance-Dance Revolution, and a huge climbing, uh, thing.
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