Friday, February 08, 2008

My Coworker Can Beat Up Your Coworker

This is Nick. He works with me. He's a 5-time World Champion powerlifter. That's some serious shit right there.

This particular video shows him squatting 810 pounds. He his way hardcore.


Anonymous said...

So does this mean your the sally boy at work.

Lunatic Biker said...

I don't know...I work with all ex-hockey players and it seems like those fuckers are always hiding a hockey stick somewhere.

Jeffro said...

Geez the toughest guy I work with was a Cyclist before shorts!

SD_pedalpower said...

Um, I've used to have a super fat co-worker that would sweat all the time and degrade himself all the time. Think Tommy Boy.

His wife did threaten to blow up the workplace when I fired him.