Are they going to make Al Gore give back his Nobel Prize when it turns out global warming is a bunch of hoo-ha?
I do think we need to change the way we live. Absolutely. We're ruining the environment, I will agree with that.
Are we causing global warming? Me thinks not. Scientists* are basing these claims on data from the last 20 years. That's like a microsecond in the life cycle of the earth. Alarmists are using these claims to try to enduce panic and action from the masses. Climatologists need us to believe global warming is real in order to keep getting funding for research. Global cooling and the threat of a new ice age was the all the rage in the '70s. Narcissism has led us to believe that we are the cause of and solution to all the world's problems.
We live in an ECOSYSTEM...variables will change, and the system will adapt.
I guess as long as you don't actually think about it, global warming makes perfect sense.
*I don't believe science can exist for it's own sake anymore. Everything is funded by big industry and government to give results that they want. Peer reviewed? Spare me.
Just curious if you think before you write?
Accasionally, but at least I have the balls to write it under my own name.
While I appreciate your position, you need to read more National Geographic and skip the pictures and read the articles :) While I agree that most of what is being said is probably inacurrate something is still wrong about how fast things are changing. Just my thought.
Little D
Judging by the number of e-mails I've gotten on this, there are several people who are in agreement with me (maybe not necessarily in complete agreement, but definitely in the "questioning" camp), but for one reason of another don't want to post comments.
Is it because they fear the wrath of the GW supporters? Just because they're loud, doesn't mean they're right.
It sounds as though you are getting your information from the most reliable of all news sources: Fox News.
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