All through high school and college I was obsessed with Coal Chamber. Imagine my excitement my Junior year when I found out they were going to be playing in St. Cloud! My buddy Jeremy and I got hammered and walked up to the Civic Center. We happened to run into an old friend who just happened to know which room the band was staying in at a nearby hotel. I committed it to memory and proceeded to enjoy the one of the most depressing concerts of my life from the front row. The band was fighting on stage, spitting on each other, throwing drumsticks, and eventually left the stage without an encore.
Unimpressed, I went to their hotel room and sat around for about 3 hours without seeing the band. I got bored and wanted to leave, so I wrote a note and slipped it under the door. I was all fucked up, but I think it said something about how they should call me and we should party later and their music meant the world to me and blah blah blah.
I get a call at like 5am from the band. Holy shit! This is like a dream come true. Unfortunately, I was pretty drunk and wasn't a great conversationalist. I got to talk to Meegs, Bug, and Nadja. Finally, they asked if I wanted to talk to Dex (the singer, who I idolized and even named my dog after).
"Hey, is this Dez?"
"No, this is Chris."
"Who the fuck is Chris?"
"I'm the drum tech. Did you see me up on stage? I have purple hair."
I then proceeded to scream at that fucker until he eventually hung up on me. Why would I want to talk to a drum tech?
The band broke up less than a month later.
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