Dave was nice enough to drag his sickly ass out of bed to help me calibrate the power for my ergo. He even got dressed up for the occasion.

Now I'm spending the day crunching numbers to get the proper formula for power. Great fun!
As you can see, I added a tire to the ergo. Not only does this help with aesthetics, but it also adds rotating weight to the wheel for a more realistic feel when rolling up to gpeed.
JJJ was nice enought to bring over a super-long-reach brake for me, so I can spare my kids' fingers if they get to close. My insurance carrier thanks you.

Not bad, I think I got that in me.
My powermeter says otherwise homey.
What is a hitma?
I'm betting you can't hit that hitma... If you could hit that many watts you wouldn't be doing 13 second flying 2's on the track...
That was last year this is now Skibbles. I believe the effort you are referring to was only my second flying 2 ever, was on a rental bike that didn't fit me, and was in a gear that was less than optimal for me. If you think I won't do better than that this year - think again. It appears my time was still better than your Master's District Champ time.
I'm sure my powermeter isn't as good as the SRM or Ergo bike but you yourself have one and said it was right in line with the very SRM Taylor pumped on.
You're probably, exactly, most definitely right but I've been close to it on mine. I'm sure there might be some slipping or something. How does yours compare when doing max efforts? I'd like to give a real SRM or the Ergo a try some time.
Hitma...anything over about 1000 watts on a trainer isn't very accurate. Lots of wheel slip. The guy at Cyclops told me that the resistance curve basically goes to shit at that point.
Don't feel bad...I'm sure you're very, very fast :-)
Anytime you wanna try out the ergo, you're more than welcome to. As a matter of fact, I'll have it in the cities on Saturday morning...drop me a line if you wanna try it out.
Prolly - I can dream though. The one thing I do know is I will be well under 13 this year.
I can't type today!
the computer for the trainer is only accurate up to 600 watts or so, so dream on. You're faster than I am, I'm no sprinter. I'm just telling you that I've sprinted with you, you do not leave me in the dust. Tainter, Gray and Taylor all leave me in the dust. I predict you'd hit 13 or 1400 watts...
You're probably right Skib but I can't recall ever sprinting against you. It's game time at camp!
I jumped on Big Dave's Ergo last Saturday, and saw just over 1200 watts after a 90 mile ride. I may have been a little tired, but I can't imagine the effort it would take to increase that by more than 50% to get to 1800+.
We ought to have Ergo Goldsprints instead of Spinner Coldsprints!
Just got back from vacation.
Hitman looks like you must have been vacationing in Jamaica if you think your hitting 1800 watts and running anything around 13 seconds unless your riding a downhill mountain bike. 1800 watt peak for a guy weighing around 180 pounds will put you in the low 11 second range.
If your tracking your power over winter I am sure your will significantly drop time this spring.
So Jamaica made you nuts too huh Franz? If you don't think I won't be under 13 this year you better stay out of the sun. That will be easy here.
I was less than serious about being in T's range. I have hit some big numbers on my powermeter but it cost me 50 bucks and I'm sure it's not very accurate at the top end.
I think you guys need take this to the track and sort it out mano a mano! :)
Jordan has seen 2000+ watts max on his kinetic trainer computer.
The more true sprinters in MN the better. Hitman you very well can ride under 13 seconds. However if you put out 1800 watts your times will be in the low 11's possibly sub 11.
I just did Taylors ergo and put down 1500 watts. I did 11.6 at state with a max speed of 64.8 KPH. Since then my max speed on the track has increased 1 full kph this is good for .18 second reduction in time. Which would put me at 11.4.
If you are 300 watts stronger than me, you will be running low 11's with a strong chance of breaking the track record which is 11.2. Math does not lie.
You and Skibby obviously have taken the fun out of Taylor and I's testosterone laced banter by injecting reality and facts.
I will withhold further comments until after Ego vs. Ergo. I guarantee that I will be at least 300 watts below you!
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