First, I planned to solder the fan blades to the spokes to eliminate any twisting. It turns out that solder is pretty flexible, and has crappy tensile strength.

My next project was to remedy an issue I was having with the rubber pads sliding off the feet of the ergo because the manufacturer used some really crappy adhesive to hold them on. I bought a metal drill bit and some metal screws, and was planning to screw the pads to the feet (can't tell if that sounds dirty or not. I kinda don't think so).

Well, the feet pivot around on a ball structure (ok, now that sounds dirty), so I was only able to drill in about 1/16 of an inch before I hit said ball, and no screws exist that are short enough.
My fater-in-law does auto upholstery, and had some industrial-strength contact adhesive, and this seems to have done the trick. Time will tell.
My final task was to add some weights to the wheel of the ergo to add some standing start resistance. The ergo's builder told me to use adhesive wheel weights (like they use for cars), but I couldn't find any at the auto parts store (apparently they only sell the adhesive ones at tire stores). I purchased some regular clip-on wheel weights, hoping they would work. They don't.

That didn't stop me from hammering on 36 of them and taping them to the rim to see the affect of the added weight.

I can definitely feel a difference, but this particular technique of adding weights will not work. I only had to add one pound, so I may just try putting a heavy tire and tube on the wheel.
Are you starting to pick up on the fact that I have a touch of OCD?
Total time wasted: 3.5 hours
Total dollars wasted: $36.42
Total trips involved: 4
Total plans fulfilled: 0
Tonight I meet up with Big Dave to calibrate my power. Hopefully my results are better.
You can cut the bead off one tire and put it inside the other. Then inset a water filled inner-tube. You will be able to get at least a couple pounds added that way.
There are a number of solutions,
1. Regular tire filed with water like Josh said.
2. Regular tire filled with shot, airsoft or metal.
3. Make your wheel a deep dish by welding on sheet metal.
4. more blades on the wheel.
5. a break that is hooked up to an old shifter so you can place it at different settings.
6. Make a clutch system for fixed gears. Get it going really fast spinning backwards then rest and then engage again reverse the wheel.
7. get bad bearings or pack them thick nasty grease
8. Get a new ergo just for starts
9. Drink blue moon
I should clarify. The goal here is simply to add a bit more weight to the wheel to add resistance for standing starts. There is already plenty of resistance from the 4 existing fan blades once the wheel is up to speed.
I really only need 1 pound of added's amazing how much a of a difference that small amount of weight makes when the wheel itself is accellerated 300%.
I don't think water would work because it would slosh around in the tube and throw the balance off.
There are some good ideas there and I'll keep futzing around with it.
How about adding a heavy duty puncture resistant tire with one of those puncture resistant rim strips, a tube filled with slime and that should add plenty of rotational yet stable weight.
Anonymous Mystery Rider
Amazingly, I just left the bike shop, where I bought just such a tire. What a coincidence...
The water would not slosh around. Centripetal force would keep it at all sides of the tires. Think swinging a bucket of water around in a circle, or around the world with a yo-yo. Anyways your wheel will get thrown out of balance anyway with that force of the blades pulling on those spokes. Its going to make them a lot longer.
Bontrager make some tires called Thornies that are nearly solid rubber if your jelly filled donut doesn't work out.
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