I found this little guy at the bike shop yesterday, but I can't figure out what it is. At first I thought it was maybe designed to carry something, but I don't own anything small enough to fit in it. Plus, the strap that goes around it isn't long enough to allow you to strap it to anything, it just latches it shut.
It's got an OLN logo on it, so it's not necessarily supposed to make sense, I suppose.
The first person to tell me what this is can have it, along with the autographed ColdSprints #1 poster that I won in a recent photoshop contest.
It is a pouch that goes on your messenger bag front strap to hold your cellular telephone (the kind of phone from 2002...when OLN was still kicking it.)
I used to use a similar device for my radio phone when working downtown.
Oh, I don't want the poster. Some chump autographed it.
it's to put your condoms in so they don't put a ring in your wallet
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